Operation Love Ministries, Inc., reaches out as the hands and feet of Christ in Madison County to provide tangible goods and services to those in need.

We offer “Help for Today & Hope for Tomorrow” by providing basic needs, human services, and annual programs that not only address immediate needs but focus on long-lasting changes and goals towards success.


OLM is specifically structured as a collective of churches, organizations, and community members working together to serve the lost, poor, and hurting in our community by showing love in tangible ways. While there are many who desire to help those in need, most community members who want to help others struggle to address the great multitude and depth of needs they encounter. Operation Love Ministries serves as a pathway to  connect its members in an alliance as a collective body to address these needs with expert resources, education on best practices in service to others, and strategic development of both on-site and off-site programs, while pooling resources to best meet the needs of struggling families and community members.

OLM is governed by a board comprised of member representatives and 3 at-large community representatives who represent this collective and direct its ministries.

Please Note:

While the goal of Operation Love is to share the love of Christ in tangible ways, OLM is a non-proselytizing organization and is non-discriminatory in its provision of service to those in need. Spiritual support services including prayer is one of many services offered, and is never a requirement or expectation for receiving service.

Is your church, group, or organization interested in serving together, pooling resources for effective programs, and building relationships with our neighbors in need? Contact us to set up a tour and introduction to the ministry today!


OUR staff

Andrea Baker

Executive Director

Stephanie Robinson

Human Services Coordinator

We’re Hiring!

Pantry Coordinator

Karen Leonard

Human Services Assistant

John Clark

Pantry Assistant

Kay Martinez


Cheryl Eddy

Administrative Assistant

Sherise Barber

Seasonal Programs Assistant


The board is comprised of nominated members from our Alliance Membership Partners

Sherry Minton |  Chair

Anderson First Church of the Nazarene

Lawrence Johnson |  Vice Chair

Seventh Day Adventist

Amy Davis |  Treasurer

Member at Large

Sarah Sheler |  Secretary

Central Christian Church

Bob Gouker |  Member

East Side Church

Art Jaggard |  Member

First Baptist (emeritus)

Anita Jack |  Member

East Side Church

Bruce Roberts |  Member

South Meridian Church of God

Kathryn Womack-States |  Member

Park Place Church of God